Kat Bjelland, Fuck Yeah

The Best of Babes in Toyland and Kat Bjelland

The Best of Babes In Toyland and Kat Bjelland
CD/DVD/LP - 2004
Warner Music (5046743262)

Song Titles:
01. Introduction - Dr Timothy Leary
02. Dust Cake boy
03. Vomit Heart
04. Spit To See The Shine
05. Happy Pick Up Truck
06. Right Now
07. Handsome & Gretel
08. Bruise Violet
08. He’s My Thing
09. Istigkeit
10. Sweet ‘69
11. Ariel
12. Oh Yeah!
13. S.F.W
14. Mater Dolorosa
15. Introduction - Kat and Joan Jett
16. Quiet Room
17. Icecream & Cigarettes
18. Unglued
19. Git Go
20. Rosacea
21. Gone Away
22. Busiest Shopping Day of the Year
23. Money Shot
24. Sweetheart
25. Liberty Belle
26. Blue Valient

DVD contents:
Short Films:
01. Spanking Machine
02. Painkillers
03. Nemesisters

01. He’s My Thing
02. Ripe
03. Bruise Violet
04. Won’t Tell
05. Sweet ‘69
06. Liberty Belle

Bonus Footage:
01. The Venarays
02. Live in Utrecht
03. Live in Hamburg
04. Handsome & Gretel (live)
05. Roskilde Festival (live)
06. He’s My Thing (Version 2)
07. Swine

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Made in: USA
Other info: Two disk set.

Other versions/formats:

Format: 12” double LP, red and white vinyl
Year: 2005
Label: Southern Records
No: 5046 65477-1
Other info: Produced by Kurt Pagan Davies and Carlos Anaia.

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