Kat Bjelland, Fuck Yeah


CD - August 1992
Reprise Records (26998-2)

Song titles:
01. Bruise Violet
02. Right Now
03. Blue Bell
04. Handsome and Gretel
05. Magick Flute
06. Won’t Tell
07. Quiet Room
08. Spun
09. Jungle Train
10. Pearl
11. Real Eyes
12. Mother
13. Gone

Made in: USA and Germany
Other info: Recorded on the John Peel Show on Radio 1 England

Other versions/formats:
Format: 12” red vinyl
Year: 1992
Label: Southern Records
No: 18501-9
Other info: Made in UK

Format: Tape
Other into: I am currently awaiting more info on this release.

Format: CD
Year: 1992
Label: Southern Records
No: 18501-9
Other info: Made in UK

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